Sorry for lousy updates, again! But there is less then 50 days left for the wedding, and so much to plan and do. And a few pounds to loose.

truth 26.7

beauty 25.7

I have realized that pictures is my therepy, my dreams, my hopes, my inspiration and my vision of life. There isn't something more true than a pictue says a thousand words. That's why I have to recomend Sofi Fahrmans tumblr.

Sorry for lazy updates recently. But there haven't been time. This vacation have been hectic and not so much of a vacation. The bachelorette-party for my sister was a success. And tonight I'm going to bed the second I walk thought the door to my home.
Happy monday, everybody!
Another good day on my vacation. Eating good, drinking good with a good friend!

truth 17.7

beauty 16.7

pale inspiration

I survived friday the 13th and it was a good day because my father got home from the hospital. Today I'm going to Väla with my sister and tonight to Båstad with some friends, for ice cream and to cheek out the people. It's going to be a good day.
Happy Saturday, everybody!

Sorry for not blogging yesterday. But directly after work I drove to the dental office, it was actually pretty fun. The dentist was a really nice guy. And when I was home again I was so excited that my new larger balkony was available, so I started to set up furnitures and flowers. Then I fell a sleep in the sofa, not great. Waking up in the middle of the night, realizing your not in your bed, still wearing make-up, it's a nightmare! And when you fall a sleep again, in your bed this time, you get an text that wakes you up. So... I'm pretty tired today. But nothing can ruin this day for me. Because in seven and a half hours I'm going on my summerholiday. YEAH!

I like days like yesterday because you have something to look forward to. When I came home from work I did alot of small things in my apartment. I reorganized my closet and folded laundry, pluspoints. I felt great afterwards. Then I meet up with two friends, renting a movie and fruitsallad stood on the schedule. A great evening! A great way to get your mind of off things. And that was what I had looked forward to.
So I was really tired this morning and didn't bother to put on make up. When a man on the train tells me that "We don't need sun when you are smiling. Your boyfriend must be happy." I was laughed but I decided to belive him. Pretty good start, huh? There isn't much that can ruined my day now.
Happy Wendsday, everybody!
beauty 10.7

truth 9.7

Weekends is the best thing. The one how inventethed them should have a medal. I don't know what I've done without them.
Yestarday I baked some cookie at my friends apartment, great time for some catching up. Then a PW with another friend. Friends are importent!
Today I'm going to do some of my fashion-scrapbooking. It allways get's me in a good mood. That is a thing I do when I'm down or sad because it inspires me and makes me happier.
And tonight it's a birthdayparty for a 30 yearold.
Happy Sunday, everybody!
cute 8.7

vitamin injection 7.7

Yesterday I was so excited for my facial all day long. I couldn't wait to see my childhoodfriend again and give myself a treat. And I'm so in love with their sweet kitten Sushi who has so much energy. Anyway... The night was spent in the hospital and after a few hours of sleep I'm so tiered. I'm going back to the hospital tonight... Probably no more bloging to day :/
"If tomorrow never comes
Will they know how much I loved them
Did I try in every way to show them every day
That they are my only ones
And if my time on earth were through
And they must face this world without me
Is the love I gave them in the past
Gonna be enough to last
If tomorrow never comes
'Cause I've lost loved ones in my life
Who never knew how much I loved them
Now I live with the regret
That my true feelings for them never were revealed
So I made a promise to myself
To say each day how much they means to me
And avoid that circumstance
Where there's no second chance to tell them how I feel"
Will they know how much I loved them
Did I try in every way to show them every day
That they are my only ones
And if my time on earth were through
And they must face this world without me
Is the love I gave them in the past
Gonna be enough to last
If tomorrow never comes
'Cause I've lost loved ones in my life
Who never knew how much I loved them
Now I live with the regret
That my true feelings for them never were revealed
So I made a promise to myself
To say each day how much they means to me
And avoid that circumstance
Where there's no second chance to tell them how I feel"
true beauty?

truth 3.7

Today I felt like this picture. That's way I haven't bloged. Don't want or need that negative energi on my blog of happiness. Feel free to cheer me up with a coment.